
I am a trained Psychologist (Master of Science) specialising in Engineering Psychology and Computer Science. I am constantly learning and improving my skills by going to meetups, workshops, conferences, and attending courses.

Humboldt University Berlin

Established more than 200 years ago, in 1810, the Humboldt University of Berlin is one of the most prestigious universities not only in Germany, but in Europe. It has a world class reputation in arts and humanities fields. It is named after both its founder, Wilhelm von Humboldt, and his brother, the naturalist Alexander von Humboldt. It has educated no fewer than 29 Nobel prizewinners. In 2012, it was one of 11 institutions to receive funding for the Excellence Initiative, enhancing its reputation as one of the country’s elite universities.

Psychology (MSC), 1998

While studying Psychology at University of Regensburg in Germany (Vordiplom, BSc equivalent) I concentrated on Cognitive Psychology, and spent most of the time in the computer lab.

At Humboldt-University Berlin, Germany I studied for the Diplom (MSc equivalent) and finally found my professional passion Engineering Psychology (Prof. Hartmut Wandke) and acquired in-depth knowledge about the design of man-machine systems (especially software ergonomics) and suitable evaluation methods. My minor subject was Computer Science.

In my Diplomarbeit (MSc thesis equivalent) I developed and empirically tested criteria for the evaluation of children’s software. During the IFIP 13.2 Working Conference 1998 in Stuttgart at the Fraunhofer-Institut I presented my work which was published in a book: Duda, S. (1998). Design and Empirical Testing of a Checklist for the Evaluation of Multimedia Software for Children. In: Sutcliffe, A., Ziegler, J. & Johnson, P. (Hrsg.), Designing Effective and Usable Multimedia Systems. Boston u.a.: Kluwer Academic Publishers.

General Assembly

General Assembly is a leading provider of state-of-the art, practical and relevant education for today’s most in-demand skills. I completed the following courses at General Assembly:

General Assembly Courses

Data analytics course, 2020: Deep dive into data analytics process: Collection, cleaning, analysis, visualisation. Excel, SQL, Tableau. Take a look at my project about house prices in the UK on Tableau, analysing past and future possible house prices.

Front-end web development course, 2018: HTML5, CSS3, JavaScript, jQuery, GitHub, and Sublime. How to build a fully responsive, interactive website. Try out my UX Role Game on this website!

User experience design course, 2015: How to map and frame, and put together a full suite of UX documentation for a digital product - from users to prototype, from problems to solutions.

Goldsmiths, University of London

Renowned for a creative and innovative approach to teaching and research, Goldsmiths offers study opportunities in the arts and humanities, social sciences, computing, and entrepreneurial business and management. It was founded in 1891 and was previously named Goldsmiths' College. Students have voted it one of the UK’s top creative and political universities.

Short Course

Creative writing short course, 2021: Writing practices and techniques, innovative writing exercises. Fiction and poetry. Peer feedback. Imaginative writing skills.

Usability & User Experience Book

Text book with UX basics for exam preparation.

-> Open Amazon

User Research & Agile

How can we integrate user research into agile? NHS Digital case study.

-> Open PDF

Contextual Research

Why we need to research in context to deliver great products - 3 case studies.

-> Open PDF